Pet Case Study: Dog Food Allergy

Pet Case Study: Dog Food Allergy Pet Case Study: Dog Food Allergy

  • Percy M. is a 13.5-year-old female, spayed Shih Tzu.
  • Percy had no history of skin disease but at the age of 13 she developed severe sores on her skin. She was receiving appropriate antibiotic and steroid therapy to help manage the sores; however, she was not improving.
  • On her first visit, we identified a staph bacterial infection that was resistant to conventional antibiotics. We also identified an overgrowth of a mite that typically lives in the skin in very low numbers (we think the steroids allowed the mites to overgrow).
  • We treated the bacteria with a powerful antibiotic, the mite overgrowth with anti-mite therapy, and we changed her food to a novel protein diet.
  • The bottom photo was taken on November 1st, almost 4 months after starting therapy. Her skin is no longer painful, and she is relaxed and happy once again.

Pet Case Study: Dog Food Allergy

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