Pet Case Study: Canine Flank Alopecia (CFA)

Pet Case Study: Canine Flank Alopecia Pet Case Study: Canine Flank Alopecia Pet Case Study: Canine Flank Alopecia Pet Case Study: Canine Flank Alopecia

  • Previously called seasonal or cyclic or recurrent flank alopecia.
  • Seen primarily in Boxers & Bulldogs, but other breeds can be affected.
  • This is one skin condition that is completely non-itchy and considered cosmetic.
  • Hair loss (alopecia) can involve both sides or just one side of the body.
  • The cause of this condition is unknown. Affected pets tend to lose hair on the side(s) of their abdomen. Most cases develop between November and April and regrowth, if noted, occurs by spring or summer. Most cases progress from year to year with continued hair loss.
  • The skin needs to be protected from sun damage and melatonin can be given to try and stimulate hair regrowth.
  • Other conditions that can mimic CFA are hormonal imbalances and other forms of hair follicle dysplasia.

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