Pet Case Study: Vitiligo

Pet Case Study: Vitiligo-Max before therapy

Vitiligo: Max before therapy

Max F. is a shepherd mix who will soon be 3 years old. He has vitiligo, a disease characterized by loss of pigment from the selective destruction of cells that produce the pigment melanin. The cause of vitiligo is still a matter of debate, though the autoimmune hypothesis prevails. Some breeds are predisposed (Belgian shepherd, Rottweiler, Old English sheepdog and Siamese cat).

Currently there is no treatment for vitiligo in animals but in some early, mild cases like Max, steroids may be useful for achieving re-pigmentation.[iii]


[iii] BSAVA Manual of Small Animal dermatology. In Chapter 9 on Disorders of Pigmentation authored by Zeineb Alhairdari. Page 67.

Vitiligo: Max mid-therapy

Vitiligo: Max mid-therapy

Vitiligo: Max after therapy

Vitiligo: Max after therapy

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